June 24, 2012

Morrissey tickets on the rise! The sad thing is not Morrissey! Is a cover band..

Thousands of loyal fans of popular singer Morrissey lined up the Pharr Arena ticket center on Friday eagerly awaiting to purchase tickets for famed singer Morrissey scheduled to apear in Concert November 30th, what promoters for the show failed to announce to the public is that the singer appearing on stage is actually an impersonator, a great one, that has been touring the country for the past year and is well known in England and Ireland.  All of this comes to no surprise to Morrissey Manager William Keats that upon reading tweets of the famous superstar was going to visit a small town in Texas, contacted the singer over the weekend and wrote a statement on the official Morrisey page: " We are baffled to find out that hardcore fans of Morrissey have been swindled of their money by local wannabe promoters that took upon themselves to inform the Rio Grande Valley fans that Morrisey was going to perform when in actuality is a Impersonator that makes his living singing morrisey and The smiths covers with permission of Morrissey, we ask the fans to protest to this sham and to ask for a full refund, unfortunately, Morrissey conflicting schedule does not permit him to go to Cameron County and offer a concert in that area, he sends his love to thousands of fans that were part of this scam and hopes a good resolution comes out of it".

The Pharr Arena Civic Center has informed in their website that they did inform the public that in fact it was an impersonator, and not the actual singer that will be scheduled to perform November 30th and its blaming Channel Four News and Social outlets like Facebook and Ticket Master for failing to inform the public and making them believe the "actual" singer was going to be performing on our neck of the woods, as for now, no refunds are going to be available and for the fans that have questions or want their money back they are just going to have to enjoy "Morrissey tour of hits" this November 30th with musical guests Lilly Allen and Adele Simpson.


  1. so i guess the promoter also hacked morrissey's official facebook?

  2. I guess you're trying to do some fake news thing for the sake of humor well. Work on your grammar and knowing things like its called the Pharr Events Center and that Pharr is in Hidalgo, not Cameron county. Also, knowing that "channel four news" is actually KGBT would have made this post seem a little bit more intelligent. You just come off as an attention whore idiot.
