November 11, 2014

Sam Simon Co-Creador de "Los Simpsons" repartira fortuna a 400 familias en Puerto Rico a Raiz de prognostico de Cancer Terminal.

Sam Simon co-creador de "Los Simpsons" donara parte de su fortuna a 400 familias en Puerto Rico.

Sam Simon co-creador de la famada serie "Los Simpsons" ha decidido a ayudar a 400 familias de bajor recursos en la Isla de Puerto Rico a raiz de que ha sido diagnosticado con cancer terminal en el colon.  Sam Simon es acreedor de una fortuna que supera los 100 millones de dolares y  en los ultimos seis meses ha donado millones de dolares a empresas que ayudan a familias de bajo recursos en Estados Unidos asi como tambien ha construido varias clinicas especializadas en ayudar a animals que han sido abusados en granjas para que reciban ayuda veterinaria.

Sam Simon ha decidido donar 15 millones de dolares para poder construer un albergue que ayude a familias de bajo recurso en la isla con estudios, ayuda medica e psicologica y con un cheque mensual hacia cada familia de 800 dolares por mes para poder comprar ropa y alimentos.

El Gobernador de Puerto Rico Alejandro García Padilla en su mas reciente visita a la ciudad de Connecticut en el mes de Octubre, tuvo oportunidad de platicar con Sam Simon creador de los Simpsons y con su equipo de abogados ha estado en platicas con el co-creador de la famosa serie para poder tramitar todos los permisos necesarios para poder construir el albergue y seleccionar a las 400 familias que participaran en la entrega de viveres y de dinero que podra ayudar a familias de cinco integrantes a recibir atencion medica, educacional y psicologica por dos anos.

October 11, 2014

American Airlines To Ground All Flights To West Africa Effective November 1st

American AAirlines has taken the drastic decision of stopping all flights in and out of Africa, more particularly the area of Sierra Leone and Liberia after noticing a major drop in ticket sales and also taking in consideration the first ever case of Ebola in United States History in the City of Dallas, Texas after a native of Monrovia boarded one of their many planes and got away with landing in USA soil and possibly spreading the deadly disease to US citizens.

This decision comes after a major health scare all over the Country and because concerned citizens are still asking why does our President still allows commercial flights in and out of that dangerous zone that does not have the man power and the resources to attend to their sick and where hundreds of thousands have perished from this deadly disease that is now also a threat to Countries like Spain, Germany and Mexico.

Official Representatives to American Airlines have stated full refunds for all those tickets purchased one month in advance but had decided to ground all flights until a further notice of improvement or containment of this deadly disease stating:

"Although the CDC is now ordering major American AAirlines to submit the passengers to a physical, and to check if they show any signs of fever or symptoms related to Ebola, we feel that is our duty to keep our passengers and staff on Air and Ground disease free.  We are grounding all flights and refunds will be made available, but until further notice that this disease has stopped spreading we are not going to keep on selling tickets for commercial flights to that Country"

September 27, 2014

Bruce Jenner "I am Dying, I have stage 4 Lymphatic Cancer" tweet shocks the Entertainment World.

A more guant looking Bruce Jenner shown last Thursday nearby Malibu, California.

In a shocking statement released earlier this morning, and days after his wife of 22 years filed for divorce, Bruce Jenner admits that he was given two or four months to live by his personal oncologist and that he has known that he suffers stage four lymphatic cancer for over a year, around the time he publicly stated that he was not separating from his famous reality TV wife Kris Jenner but "that he was comfortable living in Malibu but still spending the night at his home in Calabasas, California."

In recent months the appearance of the most famous dad in the reality TV series, "Keeping up with the Kardashians" has shown a dramatic change in his appearance, showing more softer feminine features, and longer hair than usual sparking the media rumor that he was indeed going through hormonal therapy to become a woman.  

Sources close to the Kardashians have stated that the real reason Kris Jenner decided for a separation and ultimately a divorce was because Bruce Jenner wants to become a woman and had finally decided to go ahead with the operation now that his teenage daughters were all grown up and moving out on their own.

Many close friends have stated that with this new statement that he is sick with Lymphatic Cancer, Bruce Jenner in reality wants for the media to believe that that is the real reason his appearance has appeared gaunt and his features are more softer, that the chemotherapy and drugs he is taking are in fact the real reason he has changed dramatically over the past twelve months and not that he is in fact taking medication to become a woman.

Kris Jenner and her famous have not denied or confirm their story and are keeping mums on the issue and Bruce Jenner is still schedule to appear on Keep up with the Kardashians all through out the year 2015.

September 21, 2014

Donald Pierce arrested after brutally killing his estranged Wife and Five Year Old Son

Latest Facebook Post from Killer Donald Pierce that has been arraigned into Cameron County Jail accused of brutally killing his estranged wife and their young son.

Diana Pierce and her five year old son whose identity has not been released to the public are the two victims that were found brutally murdered over the weekend, when relatives paid a visit to their residence located at 2300 Frankfurt Street in the City of Brownsville and became alarmed when they noticed a strong foul odor and the victim husband, Donald Pierce acting strange and screaming obscenities.

Relatives quickly called 911 and tried talking to neighbors that confirmed that in the past 4 months, Miss Pierce had attended work with a black eye and had called the authorities several times due to domestic and violent disputes in her residence where her estranged husband was involved, but neighbors and friends noted that she was never able to proceed and write up charges against her husband because of fear of retaliation against her and her family.

Brownsville PD were able to locate two decomposing bodies located in the bathroom and where able to establish that it was that of a woman in her late 30's cradling a male child that appear to be four or five years of age.  Brownsville PD quickly fanned the area when they realized that the suspect was seen fleeing from the residence on foot with a weapon in his hands, while concerned neighbors kept inside their home while the police searched the neighborhood and nearby lots.

Donald Pierce was found lying in the brush, heavily intoxicated and welding a small firearm by two Brownsville PD detectives that proceeded to take him to the County Jail where he is being held without bond.

Friends and family of the victim state that they are in shock and disbelief that their friend and her son have passed away in such horrific matter.  They stated of cameras that they did know of the abuse that she was going through but that they never thought that Donald Pierce was capable of murder and where relieved when two months ago she had separated from him and kicked him out of their residence. 

Brownsville PD is currently investigating how Mr. Pierce got access to the residence and the victim car, an autopsy has been ordered by the local coroner to learn more about the final hours of Miss Diana Pierce and her young son.

September 19, 2014

Gilberto Ramirez owner of AireExpress arrested at Brownsville Public Library under Child Pornography Charge.

It all started with a  photograph shared on a local known Facebook page where a middle aged man is shown at the Brownsville Public Library Computer Lab saving pornographic images about women and then children.  The images caused such an uproar that local bloggers contacted the Brownsville PD to investigate the delicate matter and in a period of two weeks were able to gather evidence against Mr. Ramirez, a local known businessman that is owner of several AC shops in the Southmost Area and that was using the computers in the public library so he would not arise the suspicion of his common law wife and children due to his addiction of online porn, gambling and child pornography.

Four others individuals were also captured in the sting lead by Senior Detective Erick Lucio.  Their names and information are not available at this time, but they are being detained in the Cameron County Jail until Monday where they will undergo an extensive questioning and be able to talk befire a Judge.

July 12, 2014

Angelique Boyer Confirma estar Embarazada de Sebastian Rulli

Angelique Boyer esta mas radiante que nunca y con mayor razon, pues fuentes cercanas a la artista han confirmado que la actriz tiene seis semanas de embarazo y que el orgulloso padre es el guapo actor y modelo Sebastian Rulli.  La mejor amiga de la artists comento para TV Notas! que no a raiz de el deceso de la madre de la actriz y que como todavia no habian culminado la telenovela "Lo que la Vida me Robo" ambos actores no se sentian plenos en deleitar a sus millones de fans de que en pocos meses el fruto de su amor vendra a este mundo.

"Lo que la Vida Me Robo"  gran novela, ha terminado de grabar y el elenco de la novela partieron hacia Las Playas de Acapulco para descansar y dar por teminado las grabaciones de la novela que mas exito ha conseguido a la Televisora del Ajusco.  Cabe decir que la senorita Angelique no tomo alcohol en esta gran celebracion, se le vio muy animada con Sebastian Rulli y el resto del elenco tomando limonadas y bebidas carbonatadas.

June 25, 2014

IGLESIA WESTs BAUTISTA bajo investigacion policiaca por supuesto abuso sexual a Homosexuales.

La Iglesia Wess de Browsville esta bajo supervision de la policia del condado de Cameron, despues de que el fin de semana pasado, varios pastores y personal de mantenimiento fueran arrestados supuesto abuso sexual hacia siete hombres homosexuales que acudian a la iglesia, y todo para poder ser aceptados por dios y en la congregacion.

Varias victimas estuvieron ayudando al departamento de policia con sus testimonios, y varios investigadores privados han estado dando seguimiento a esta historia que primero fue informada al publico por NOTICIAS 48 en el ano de 2011, pero en ese entonces las victimas no quisieron comparecer ante el tribunal mayor de Texas por miedo a represalias.

El pasado 22 de Junio varios Investigadores de la Policia de Browsvnville y el Sheriff local acordonaron y arrestaron a dos pastores de la Republica de Dominicana que estaban de visita y estudiando para su tesis en la iglesia  y a tres personas que daban el mantenimiento a los patios y a la casa adjunta con los cargos de abuso sexual agravado. Siete personas del sexo masculino pudieron dar su declaracion a las autoridades explicando al departamento de policia que los pastores los abusaron fisica y mentalmente y que los obligaban a hacer actos sexuales en la misma iglesia con la promesa de ayudarlos a cambiar de vida y no seguir profesando la vida homosexual.

NOTICIAS 48 se acerco a la parroquia el dia de ayer, pero nadie contesto la puerta, y hasta el dia de hoy las misas y oraciones que se daban alli han sido canceladas sin previo aviso.  Varios vecinos de la controversial iglesia han declarado a los periodicos que de en ese plantel hay mucha actividad de hombres entrando y saliendo a altas horas de la noche, camionetas on varios sujetos fumando y hablando y que el pastor bien que sabia que actos de exorcismo para liberar a las personas de instintos homosexuales estaban a la orden del dia en la congregacion.

Las vicitmas expusieron a la policia que primero hacian todos oracion enfrente de familias, mujeres y ninos para pedir a dios que no siguieran siendo homosexuales, y despues entraban a un cuarto oscuro, o en un carro afuera de la iglesia y satifsfian sexualmente a los pastores, todo en nombre de dios, y con la promesa de que irian al cielo y podrian ser curados.

June 11, 2014

Trash throwing etiquette

Throw the trash in the street. Or if you prefer let it drop at your feet. Fling the beer bottle hard if you wanted to go far. Let the wrapper drop out the window as your driving in your car. Just let the garbage fall and pretend you didn't notice. We don't have to make it so obvious. The litter will protect us it's like a cozy blanket. It keeps away the undesirables. I pile  up a bunch of boxes and make cozy bed. I close my eyes and daydream about all the things I cherish.

March 24, 2014

NEWS UPDATE: Malaysian Airline Flight 370 Engunfled in Flames Before Dissapearing in the Indian Ocean.

Malaysian Navy officers and the Government of China have confirmed that flight 370 went down in the Indian Ocean engulfed in flames, this after several local fishermen came fort with video recorded from a cell phone that is currently being analyzed by Chinese officials.

These news are not as welcomed as the update that earlier today was shared on local and international media stating that new satellite research showed the plane crashing into the Indian Ocean after several minutes of gliding at an altitude of 12,000 feet.

Families, mothers, husbands and friends of all the passengers had barely grasped the idea of the loss of life and now this new evidence points to something more sinister, maybe a hijack gone wrong aboard flight 370.

Chinese officials have decided to investigate this matter, after testifying that they felt that the Malaysian Government and Navy did not adequately controlled the situation or used all of their resources in order to locate the jet that almost two weeks ago disappeared while on route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur.